Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday, February 25, 2011

First off,, I apologize for not having written for a few days,, alot going on around here..
1st, we are waiting for the flooring to be delivered,, has to be in the house 48 hrs before installation, so it can get acclimated (room temp) so no expansion/shrinkage after installation..
2nd,, my computer room/den.. all the stuff has to be taken off the top (lighthouses, and knick knacks ive collected over the years) along with pictures, etc.. thats done, and boxed,, now to move the boxes.. and clean under my corner desk, where I store other boxes of spare puter parts, cd player, shredder, etc.  lol

3rd,, started cardiac rehab the other day,, went monday, and they told me I couldnt just walk in, they werent ready for me,, lol,, not sure they were ready wednesday either, but there I was,, and had all them folks trying to do their exercises, laughing the whole time,, think perhaps their bp may have gone up a couple notches,, lol,, told the guy, I wasnt sure I liked going somewhere, where the people in charge are called The Rapists  (therapists, lol)  He said I brought an air about me,, made the day interesting..
then I went drinking, and got pretty toasted on 18-20 beers.. but it was a great day..
So great, I felt horrible yesterday, cause I didnt eat hardly anything all day and when I got home,, so not hungover, just felt generally bad, so didnt make it to therapy that day..
Cant remember what I wrote about the last time I posted something here..
Nana and I went to the casino over the weekend,, lost our ass big time *$800 ugh,, Nana won some back and I made her quit, but she got to keep it, so she only lost 20 dollars,, and I took the loss from my acct,, ugh, lol

Went to the Indianapolis Boat Sport and travel show Monday,, about 3hrs was all we could handle of the walking around,, Looked at New RV's and their prices,, whew,, Nice,, both the rv an the price,, lol.. Ready to trade up already and havent even gotten to drive the one we have yet.. LOL,  Then looked around and picked up literature for a couple camping spots,, maps, etc,, and stopped by the DNR booth, and asked if we could purchase our season pass for the State Parks,, and they said yes.. then told me the price is 18 dollars,, Now Im gonna tell you,, the state of Indiana doesnt give breaks,, and I wasnt sure what the deal was, cause its over 35 dollars I think, for the season pass,, if you dont have one, it costs 5 dollar entry.. so 7 visits would pay for a season pass.. as much as Nana and I started going to these state parks,, its worth it to us to get the season pass, (year pass)  well, I kept asking, and kept asking, this will get me into all the state parks, etc,, YES, they kept telling me,,, and I thought no more about it.. lol til I got home, and looked at the prices for fishing license, etc.. in one of the books,, well, it had the prices of the season passes too,, and I noticed,, the 18 dollars, was for a Golden passport/season pass,, for senior citizens,,, boy am I glad I had Nana with me,, roflmao.. so I got to checking for fishing licenses too, and wish I had gone ahead and bought them while we were at it.. lol,, theyre 3 dollars, compared to 17 for one year, (3 dollars for senior citizens,, lmao,,, 17 for fishing for life for seniors)  lmao  we live on this lake, and dont need a license,, but it will give us something to do, when we go camping to these lake sites.. so figure we would get them and take a couple poles or so to mess around with.. Have to buy Nana a license, even if she isnt fishing, cause out luck, I go to piss or something, and get a bite while Im  gone, she touches that pole, and the game warden would walk up and ask for her license,,, and confiscate all my fishing gear, etc... lol

Put on a little weight, for some reason last week,, got on the scales and it said 250,, I thought OMG... but a couple days later,, after a good dump and a few waterpills, I was back down to 240,, and after eating last night, I was 243 this morning,, so Im pretty much holding my weight there for the most part,, fluctuates,, I was down 238 last week one day,, need to really get back on my low sodium which has been the main problem I think,, too much even without adding salt,, and its making me hold more water, which aint good for me..

Had one good day the other day, went out and worked on the new grille, getting it seasoned,, spraying oil and wiping it down inside and out,, didnt get it finished,, was really too cold,, and the oil wasnt wiping good.. but I need to do it before I use it..
Anxious to get my dutch oven out, and my recipes too.. so I can get to fixing something over the fires.. this is gonna be so much fun.. still more things to buy,, I think I mentioned,, lol,, and the more catalogs and websites i look at, the more money I need to get that stuff.. LOL

Im in the process of deleted or moving my pics and stuff either to my portable drive, or putting to disk,, (all my porn and videos, lol)  getting ready to stick the restore disk into computer probably over the weekend.. missing some dll files,, so cant download all the updates that have been offered.. couldnt even download Itunes which I wont buy any music from there,, but I went to today, to look at tents and other items,, hehehe,, and one was campfire recipes, that I could put on my phone,, but after trying to download Itunes, and couldnt,, I seen then I dont need it,, I can only download the recipes on an IPhone,, which I dont have,, now let me tell you about the phones,, lol

Nana needed a new phone,, mine was fine, but I was looking at one for me, and it was 100, but they were going to credit me the fee, so its free then,, So I got it for Nana.. since my phone was still working fine,, after a few weeks,, she decided she didnt like that phone.. she kept turning the volume down, and couldnt hear well on the phone.. so I swapped phones with her,, well,, that wasnt good enough,, she didnt like my phone either,, so I asked what she wanted,, she wanted on to text with,, now,, she gets about 20 text messages a month,, at 20 cents a piece, for pay per use.. so she wants a phone to text with,, so i have to buy a package, for Family text unlimited,, so we can all text now.. ugh,, that costs me 30 dollars more a month,,, so Im now paying over a dollar, for her 20 text messages,, but she got the phone she wanted, and she likes it.. well, she did.. lol,, til I order me a Windows Phone.. it came wednesday,, and wednesday night, we were using son in laws number (theyre on my account too) and ordered her a windows phone,, it should be here today,,, well, with the new Windows phone, which I am already paying 30 more a month for the texting,, now I have to have 2gb of data package.. another 30 a month,, that isnt for the whole family, thats mine,, so Nana wanted the new Windows Phone, and thats another 30 dollars a month.. so Son in law, winds up with the phone Nana got first,, then I got it,, so its the phone he wanted,, its rugged, and doesnt need a bunch of fancy crap,, so hes happy.. I got the windows phone, and Im happy,, Nana gets a windows phone today or tomorrow,, and she'll be happy,, I know she is really gonna like this phone,, its bigger, reads better, etc.. so daughter will wind up, with the phone Nana got second,, lol,, and she will be happy,, so everyone is getting new phones,, and they better be happy, cause its a 2 year contract, and cant get another for til then.. lol..

Ive got to quit spending money like Ive got it,, between phones, gambling, farmville, etc,, I feel like Im hemorrhaging money.. lol

Drawing night at the VFW,, ugh,, which means Nana will defy my wishes again, and go play cards after the drawing.. then of course, pick up the grandkids from skating at 1130pm, then stay at their house til their parents come home.. which has been 3am and sometimes longer.. pisses me off.. especially today,, it sleeted and snowed last night, so its slick out, we didnt get as much as they were thinking we would, but still,, the weather isnt something she should be out driving in, especially when the drunks are on their way home..

Are yall ready for 4-5.00 dollar a gallon for gas? all that shit going on in the middle east, youd better get ready for it,, theyre just gonna keep on and keep on, and each of the oil producers will have regime changes, and riots, and stuff, and the world is going to be changing right before our eyes,, Food Prices are going to be hard hitting too,, let alone the fuel.. so better start stocking up,, I usually keep my shelves pretty full, along with the freezers,, So we can last a month or two,, except for milk and bread, and other necessities like TP, papertowels will turn into rags to wipe our hands,, and maybe our asses too,, lol.. Got the RV and aint gonna be able to afford the gas to go anywhere.. LOL,,

Well, I think this has pretty much made up for the last few days of nothing,, so Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend,, I will try to write more of whats going on tomorrow..

Happy Farming,,

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

tuesday bedtime

my apologies, everyone,, everything is okay here,, just dealing with facebook stuff,, and time got away from me.. im sorry, and will give you the lowdown tomorrow on the boat sport and travel show,,, afterr my cardiac rehab

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday, February 20th, 2011

Good morning, readers..

Well, Last evening wasnt good.. Nana and I went to Campers World to look around at RV's and camping gear, but they were closed when we got there.. sooooo,, we decided to go 8 miles east to Indiana Live Casino..HUGE MISTAKE!!!... 800 dollars later, and nearly midnight, we headed home with our tails between our legs.. What a disaster that turned out to be.. will take me a couple months to recover from that fiasco, as usual.. lol.. Jeesh, how stupid can we/I be.. I lost most of it, as the glaze covered my eyes, and I kept going back to the ATM.. Nana got her machine up a little bit, and I told her to cash out and we'd go get something to eat.. which we did.. but I think she thought we were going to gamble a little more.. NADA,, she said she wanted to try this machine, and I told her it wasnt happening, and we headed straight to the truck to get the hell out of there.. with what she had in her machine at the end, she got all but 20 of her money back, and I took the loss from our acct, at right at 800.. not a normal occurence for us.. But we hadnt been for a while, it was extra, though we could have used it for something more constructive.. now just have to save again, to plan on those items we want later on..
that would have paid for a nice camping trip somewhere for a week..

This isnt going to be long today.. Im still tired, and may go back to bed..Ive added a xanax along with the sleeping and pain pills, at bedtime.,. and theyre knocking my but out to the world, though I did wake up with leg cramps during the night. So Ive taken my potassium pills, and drank a bottle of water already, two of the causes for the cramps.. dehydration and low potassium.. Not that I know its either one, but those are usual causes, and since I have both, then thats a start.

May go ahead and go to the Indianapolis Boat Sport and travel show today, if not today, tomorrow for sure, after my cardiac rehab. Figure we cant handle more than 4-5 hrs of walking those shows, if that,, its just the weekends are so crowded.. we will mainly look to see what the new RV's have these days, which I already know theyre really nice, with NICE price tags too.. There is more value in a used RV these days, than what theyre asking for new ones..

As I said, this is getting cut short today.. too many things to do today, with first thing being going back to bed, or at least a nap right off the bat,, so will end this now

Happy Farming


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Saturday, February 19th, 2011

Good Morning, readers of Farming with Papaw,

It appears I skipped another day, friday, of writing her in my blog.. My apologies, as I have no excuse. None whatsoever.  After breeding all my horses yesterday, and still being on a major rant for the way some of the people I give the foals to, it pretty much slipped my mind.

As mentioned, I bred all my horses yesterday afternoon, getting 85 of the new Knight steed foals, 20 Black Cherry foals, and 10 pink gypsy foals, (thats 23 births times 5 foals per birth) I tried something new, of posting the links a few moments after passing a few out.. in hopes of pushing these people to collect the foal I sent to them, immediately, or its gone. Im tired of sitting here for hours, first to breed them, then to pass them out, only to receive a PM that it had already been adopted.. (meaning it had expired, and most of them several days after I sent them) I breed these foals, for my enjoyment, then pass them out for the same reason. When I send them, a lot of the folks are excited for receiving the newest foal on the market, that I have sent them.. that elation comes through their responses to receiving them,, I "feel" that elation, and want to continue breeding and passing them randomly out to my friends and neighbors, the way I do, instead of letting cheaters and hoarders snag them all up. But, then, I get the PM saying it was gone, 2 days to 2 wees later, and just get pissed off.. So my intent now, is to breed, send, then post the link.. that gives them 5 minutes to pick it up, or its going to the cheaters and hoarders.

Friday was a so so day for me.. Felt fine, pretty much.. Usual problem that dont know what it is, and will wait for regular appts with dr's to see what it is going on.. I think Ive reached a point, of any ER visit, and Im going to be staying for nearly a week each time.. Not something I look forward to.. and I certainly hate my union insurance paying for it.. but guess that is what it is for, and why I pay nearly 600 a month between my insurance and Medicare payments..I certainly got my money's worth, the last two months of 2010.

Well, we have "iceout" on the lake.. its nearly all melted off, with the above freezing temps of the last several days.. I need to go down to the boat, and push the button to remove the water from the bilges. and tie it up a little tighter.. Wont be long, instead of breeding foals on Farmville, I will be doing some real life fishing, on my lake.. Since its a private lake, no license is required,, but when we start camping, and traveling, I will need to start getting my state fishing license, to give us something else to do while at the parks.  Nothing like sitting on the bank with the camp behind me, drinking a cold beer and fishing with Nana.
I like bank fishing.. though its hard to beat going out on a lake in a boat.. too.. But Im not going to haul around the pontoon to the other lakes.. and some have rentals, if its that important to get out there.. The whole idea of camping, is to get away from the big city, relax around a campfire, fixing a decent meal the old ways (even though we have all the modern conveniences to fix them, lol) Of course, it would always be more enjoyable with friends to go with, but unnecessary, all the time, as Nana and I enjoy the time alone too.. As you can see, by me talking about it nearly every day, I am chomping at the bit to get this years camping experiences started,, along with getting the RV home and started on fixing it up.. Cant even keep it in the driveway or in front of the house, til the kids move out, though,, too many vehicles out front with them being here.. expect to hear something soon from the HOA about it.. but I will tell them to stick it in their asses,, Ive lived here long enough, they know I dont put up with their shit, or harrassing me.. its bad enough, their fees have gone up to over 300 a year, of which their check I just wrote out a few moments ago.

Its now Saturday, with not much planned,, The Indianapolis Boat, Sport, and Travel show started yesterday,, Our plan is to go this weekend, I think,, it sure will be crowded, so weve talked of waiting til Monday to go.. we will pick up brochures on camping, RV'ing, look at new RV's,, and then  pretty much just wander around looking at other things of interest..

Rocky was yelping this morning wanting out, is why I am up so early today.. Nana went on back to bed, and Im thinking of it.. lol,, still tired, as we sat up until 3am. Now Rocky is in bed with Nana, and Oscar is in bed with the kids..

Pulled the cover off the new grille last night, and started oiling it up with cooking spray, to start getting it ready for a summer of fine dining, LOL.. I Am anxious to use it, but even though it warmed up to nearly 60 yesterday, by the time I got started, it had cooled off some, and the spray wasnt spreading quite like I expected it to.. more like trying to grease a pan, lol.. so it isnt finished, cover put back on, and will wait for warmer weather to finish it up.. maybe instead of cooking spray, get a bowl of olive oil, and a rag or sponge, and wipe it down inside and out, all over. WHich is what the manufacturer (char-griller) recommends, to keep down the rusting.. some folks in comments about the grille, have said it only lasted one year or less, and I think its because they didnt follow the instructions.. its a 350 dollar grille, with the smoker added to it, like I did.. thats a lot to have to spend each year (thought I did buy mine, with 100 dollars off, when I caught it on sale.. Had I not bought it then, I might not have it yet, had it not been on sale, I would have kept putting it off.. but I had saved the money, for that purpose,, now the next purchase for it, will be a rotisserie, thought I dont know what I will use it for, but will have it,, Nana isnt a big fan of rotisserie chicken, and I could probably buy it cheaper than doing it myself.. lol,,But that isnt the point, now is it?  the other big purchase, will be a 30 dollar chunk of Brisket, to use on the smoker.. Ive wanted to do this for years, and now we will do it, and see how I do..

Cardiac Rehab starts Monday morning at 11am, sooo,, hopefully, we can start getting some strength back faster, and lose more weight, at a faster rate too.. 3 times a week, and Im not sure for how long.. but they said something about "graduating" so its going to be for several weeks, obviously.. but I will get it done, and see how we do then.. and of course, still working on stopping smoking.. just isnt going to happen overnight.. not with all the smokers here in the house,, though it is my choice to pick one up, and I blame no one.. but it is just more difficult to quit, knowing the cigarettes are here, and I will pick one up when I want one.. lol

Enough for today.. will see yall back here tomorrow,, got to get to the farm and harvest and replant some more crops,, Not sure of breeding this weekend. If I do, it will be under different circumstances,, or I will pass them on to the feed, and let them fight over them,, lol

Have a great weekend, and Happy Farming,


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thursday, February 17th, 2011

Afternoon, readers of Farming with Papaw.

Well, the Dr visit yesterday, wasnt what I was hoping for.. when he came in, I told him something is going on, and offered a couple of suggestions from past experience, he listened, nodded, and asked to see the incisions from the gall bladder surgery, and he was gone.. no stethoscope, nothing.. released with no restrictions.. 2 minutes and gone.. Sooooo,, guess we will have to wait til the 1st of March, to the next dr (the GI dr) or the Respiratory dr (with ct scans) sometime around the 1st of March.. then the cardiologist, on the 21st.. Unless the problems I have get worse, Im not going to make a special appt, but will wait til those appts.. If it gets worse, I will go to the ER then.. and another stay til im fixed.. Let me make it clear, it is not my heart, per se', but possibly fluid around my heart, or fluid in my lungs,, which, if I go to the dr, theyre going to put me on Lasix (water pills) which I am already taking,, so Im doing what I need to be doing.. for what I think the problem may possibly be.. except not smoking,, but as I said yesterday,, Youre either a smoker, or a non-smoker.. and we have to figure out, which one you want to be, then go gung-ho with that. Im trying to quit, so we will leave it at that.. Ive smoked for 40 years,, it isnt going to change over night..

After the dr appt yesterday, I went on out to Dicks Sporting goods again, cept the one closer to me, and got the Dutch Oven lid lifter, that we seen Sunday, but why I didnt purchase it then, hell, I dont know.. but got it now,, LOL,, and another small cast iron Lodge Logic skillet, 6 inch I think,, so that is two of those,, a can of Dinty Moore stew (regular sized) fits nicely in it, and heats up quick on the grille while camping.. take it off, eat right out of the skillet.. done deal.. lol,,
Then they had a little whisk broom/dustpan combo for 4 bucks, and I picked up two,, one to use for the tent, and one for the fireplace here at home.. so thats taken care of. Though a cordless sweeper would be better, this will be suffice for the time being, and doesnt take up as much room.
Oh, Yeah,, got a scrub brush made for the cast iron dutch ovens/skillets, too. So that part is taken care of,,, May go online today, and see whatelse I can order,, LOL,, just have it shipped to me.. Strange how one Dick's SG, defers from the other, in what they have on the shelves/floor room.. I like the one in Greenwood better, than Avon, but Avon is closer, and I can order and pick up there if need be.. but Greenwood is closer to Gander Mountain too, and we love going there to shop.. lol

Nana has the day off today, but has gone to pick up Louise, an elderly friend of ours, who's husband died a little over a year ago.. we started helping her, right after, since she cant do for herself.. We take her to the dr, Nana scrapes and wraps her legs every few days or so, does the grocery shopping for her, puts that stuff away.. I help when she needs it, or Nana needs me to help.. I did it at first, but now Nana has taken pretty much over.. We thought, initially, it would just be helping out occasionally, not us doing all of it.. She does have children, but they wont have anything to do with her, for what ever reasons they can think of to use.. Guess they dont even call to check on her, to see how she is doing or if she needs anything or help with something..
The reason, I am adamant about helping her, is she and her husband, Steve, when our grandson, Devin, died, they helped us out, and bought the headstone for Devin's grave.. We were in a fight with his mother's parents (Laura) over expenses, which we had said we would split down the middle,, somehow, I put in more and they decided they were going to buy the headstone,, which I said wasnt happening,, WE would share in the cost with them, when they paid us what was owed.. well, no more contact, no pictures returned, nothing,, so, I knew what I wanted on the stone, and Shawn, my step-son, and Devin's dad, picked out the stone, put "our little buddy" on it like we both wanted. and Louise and Steve paid for the stone.. very nice and thoughtful gesture from them,, and I dont see how we can NOT help her, now that she needs it.. Just didnt expect it to turn into a full time job.. But, it is what it is.. and we will deal with it..

So after Dick's SG yesterday, I went on out to almost Danville, to get the oil changed at the dealership, and have them check out a sputtering that was starting to get worse... wound up being a recall item, for a plug wire.. unfortunately, they didnt have it, so have to take it back in soon for that,, but the oil is changed and tires rotated (all for free, again)  soooo,, no worries other than getting the plug wire(s) replaced..
They even took me across the street, to a bar my buddy owns, and dropped me off.. so I called my buddy, Andy, who also owns another bar in brownsburg, and he came on over  to see me.. so had a pizza and 5 or 6 beers there (26 dollars worth) lol,, and we got to chat for a while,, then dealership called, SUV was ready, and sent the driver over to pick me up.. lol,, what a deal that was..

So stopped in CLermont, IN, at the firehouse bar, for dollar beer day, and see the bartender's tits... LOL,, she usually will flash me.. she knows I like looking at em,, and I buy her a drink (Jaegger bomb) and out they come,, shes happy, Im happy, and all is well with the world (and the other guy patrons are happy too) lol,, now where else can I go, spend a couple bucks for a drink, and make so many people happy.  lmao

By then it was getting close to an hour till Nana got off work, so headed to another bar (10th street VFW) and a few more beers.. and of course, pull tabs,, Got several "holds" for the game, but called this morning, and didnt win,, so for the day, I spent 110 dollars,, 45 at Dicks, 25 at Andy's, and about 30 at the vfw, including a bucket of beer (10) and tickets (20)  so overall, it was a pretty good day.. drank about 10-12 beers, seen alot of friends, tits, and on to pick up Nana at 7pm.. was thinking of taking her to dinner, but by the time we got to the turnoff to home, she hadnt named anyplace, so came on home, and ate grilled cheese.. lmao.. I had yogurt and granola with fruit, then later had a couple grilled cheese myself..
Havent eaten yet today, and havent thought much of supper tonight yet.. guess Id better get to thinking about it soon.. Nana wont be home for an hour or so.. I guess I should try to feed us earlier tonight.. since she is home,, but if we eat too early, then we will want something later on... thats where the yogurt/fruit and granola comes into play,, least for me.. but she will head for the ice cream instead.. lol

New horse in the market,, and I made another deposit this morning into acct to purchase one.. put it in the stable, first foal out was the new Knight Steed Foal.. but it was the only one that I got today of that, with half my herd used, the other half were ready to be harvested, so couldnt use them for seeders today. Well, I could have, but would have been a pain in the ass to do so.. I did wind up with 50 black cherry foals to pass out,, thats plenty for the banshees that beg for them in facebook feed.  I may have to take a few days off from breeding,, shit is getting to me and pissing me off,, when it isnt fun anymore, its time to move on..

well, Enough of this stuff for today,, running out of new/different thoughts, believe it or not,, LOL.. need to go see who wants something from me now in facebook, Im sure there will be many requests for something, whether I have it or not.. LOL
Have a great afternoon everyone,,

Happy Farming


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesday, February 16th, 2011

Good Morning, Everyone

What a day to feel like crap.. Even though I slept all night. I practically died last night when my head hit the pillow, I was so tired from not sleeping the night before. My nap yesterday, was really deep, too.. and didnt want to wake up then. but forced myself awake so I would sleep last night..

Dr appt today. 3pm.. Follow-up visit for surgeon that took out the gall bladder.. Hopefully, he can tell me what else is going on in there.. something is, I just dont know what.. I think its respiratory, but whether its fluid in lungs, or fluid around the heart, I dont know, but something is going on in there.. All I know is when Im laying down it hurts to take a deep breath, when Im on my left side.. right side not as bad, but still painful.. Hurts to cough, which I felt it was maybe the chestbone for a while, but not now.. So looking forward to going to the dr.. two weeks ago, the visit was okay. Just bloodwork which showed some anemia and low bloodcount. Bloodcount was up, but still low.. so taking iron pills now twice a day to help with that.. but still, no energy..
Also was told to not do the cardiac rehab, until I seen this dr,, so will see what he says today about going to that starting tomorrow. None of them are going to be happy about smoking.. which, I smoke the most sitting here, and they burn up a lot in the ashtray.. but still,, who am I kidding,, youre either a smoker or a non-smoker, and you have to figure out, which one youre going to be. and go with that.. Im tired of feeling like a second class citizen, just because I smoke.  They say it takes 10 yrs off your life.. big deal, its the last 10.. so it keeps you from living in a nursing home, shitting your pants, and no one coming to visit you.. and being a pain in the ass to your relatives.. hell with it,, Im 58 yrs old,, Ive had a full life,, done everything there is to do in life, at least, twice, except dying and divorce. which both of them are close to being the same, IMO. lol

And another thing... why is it when people find out theyre dying, all of a sudden they get religion, start reading the bible, etc... its like theyre cramming for a test or something.. All I can say, about that, is one of us is going to be disappointed.. either it is true or it isnt.. My personal belief, is there is an afterlife, but it isnt what religious folks think.. we are energy.. basically, borne of stardust. And when we die, our spark, our soul, or whatever you want to call it, will continue to live on.. in what form, is merely speculation. Dont get me started on the Alien Genetics, that brought about modern humans. That is for another time.. lol..

Got on the scales this morning, and disappointed again that I havent lost anymore weight... 244,, same as yesterday.. I feel bloated, like Im holding some fluids.. taking lasix and potassium, but still feel that way.. I know dinner last night, had a lot of sodium in it, but didnt drink a lot of water with or after dinner (green beans, onions, taters, smoke sausage, and home made pepperoni/cheese breadsticks.) Just need to keep an eye on it and try harder,, Im not going to let it start going back up on me (my weight).. Id like to lose 40 more lbs or so.. If I do, great, if not, well, I aint going to let it get me down.. One of the biggest problems with our eating habits here, is eating so late.. Nana doesnt get home most nights, until 7-730... I try to always have supper ready when she gets home. Chris works, and doesnt get home, until after 5pm, and he always fixed dinner for him and Amanda, since she doesnt cook.. so theyre used to eating late.. I should just fix, eat myself at an earlier hour, and let them either fend for themselves, or eat my leftovers,. lol,, But I imagine it will continue as it has.. Not sure what I have planned for supper tonight (obviously nothing at this point)  Guess Id better start thinking about it, so can get something thawed out..

50's predicted for todays weather.. heading towards 60's later in the week.. still not sure when or how much the snowstorm is going to dump. Guess I should check the weather this morning and see what theyre saying..

Guess I will cut this short today (is it short? lmao)  I think I may go lay back down for a bit.. Probably could sleep a couple more hours.. I was going to take Nana into work, but she called the gal that works for us, that lives behind us, and she came and picked her up, so I could have the car.. Still need to get my truck into the shop and get it fixed.. just not sure what its going to run me.. Nana bought another car, to give to Marisa when she gets her license, and could use it, but dont have room to park it out front, with the kids vehicles out there on the curb.. and one of them broke down.. Still no word, on when or if theyre thinking of moving out..Just want them to be able to "make it" when they do.. dont know if I would offer to let them come back again.. may be time for her mom's turn.. LOL.. At least Chris works everyday, and does help out around here when he gets home.. and will do pretty much anything we ask of him..

alright, thats it,, Im done for today.. Yall have a wonderful Humpday, and we will meet yall back here tomorrow.. and a report of the dr visit..

Happy Farming,


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Good Morning,

and my sincere apologies, for not writing yesterday. For some reason, I spaced it, and thought I had already written for Valentines day. So, I hope everyone had a Happy Valentines Day, and you and your sweetie were able to have some quiet (or very very loud) times to yourself. LOL

Nana and I did make it to Gander Mountain, Sunday.  I was looking around, at there camping items. Kept going back to the Dutch Oven (Lodge Logic) but just didnt want to pay that price (around 80 dollars) But kept looking around at the other things, and did pick up a few things that we will be needing, like hotdog forks and cheapie marshmallow forks for the campfires. Something else along those lines, for Smores, and Nana got herself a 30 dollar travel mug by Thermos, for tea, coffee, water, whatever,, stays hot for 8 hrs and cold for 12.. She had gotten one last year, that only cost 20, and I thought it was a better one than she bought Sunday.. but it wound up leaking,, looks like she got it cross-threaded or something. But then, the new one leaks a bit too, I think she said.. just one of them things,, not sure if she will take it back or not,, I figure a little Teflon tape (plumbers tape) will fix it temporarily. Will just have to wait and see, I reckon.

  Then it was on to Dick's Sporting Goods, where I DID by the Lodge Logic Dutch Oven. for 10 dollars cheaper. Though the difference was, this is a 6 qt., and the other was an 8 qt. Which I think the one I bought will serve us better. I still may buy the other, as you can stack them to cook with.. Its mostly just going to be Nana and I on these camping trips, but its like Im buying stuff, so I can cook for an army if I need to. lol.. Then we also bought a 6x6 canopy, that comes in a carrying case, to set up to sit under and have some shade when needed.. And of course, Nana wanted these tv type tables to sit next to the chairs to put stuff on.. LOL in a traveling case too.. everything we have been buying, comes in a carrying type case, for easy packing, traveling, storing, etc.. and the Bug spray was on sale, so got 3 cans of that.. Think we still have some left from last year, but better safe than sorry.. Id rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it..
Then we went to dinner at TGI Friday's for supper.. all the other steak places were 45 min waits (@8pm???) and no waiting at TGIFridays. Nana had the NY strip, and said it was tender and delicious, while I had a full rack of ribs, and it was pretty dang good in its own right.. It wasnt too much, and had I still been eating like I used to, would have walked away hungry, as usual buying ribs at a restaurant.
Then yesterday, we went to Sam's club for a few things,, and all told, those two days of shopping cost me over 500 dollars.. so much for saving for other things,, LOL.. Fortunately, we went to the bar afterwards, for an iced tea, and see my buddies. I figured I would buy Nana a few pull tabs, and see if she could hit something.. the first 20, didnt even get a dollar, and my buddy Richard told me to play the one next to it, that the bartender had said nothing had been hit on it yet,, and in another 20 dollars of tickets, hit for 500 dollars.. which was funny the way it came about. Nana was opening them, and asked if we hit, if I was going to split it,, and I said no. it was my money buying the tickets, I was just letting her get the enjoyment of opening them,, so she tossed them at me and says "well, you open them then",,, when I finished, there was only a 5 dollar hit,, then she handed me the 500 dollar ticket.. LOL,, woohoo.. so I did give her 200 of it, because somewhere between the bed and her chair, she lost the deposit she had made out for the shop. It may still turn up, but she has looked everywhere, with out finding it yet.. No one can do anything with it, because it was all checks and she had written on the back of the checks with her acct number.. but some good soul, probably wouldnt find it, and either call or take it to the bank and make the deposit for us, so if she doesnt find it, its lost for good.. Its hard telling, because she could have lost it at Gander Mountain, Dicks, or Walmart. My thoughts are Walmart, because of her always digging through her purse, for her phone, or whatever,, but then it could have been TGI Fridays too.. she gets so spacey sometimes, its really hard telling.

There are a few more camping items I would like to get, that we seen, along with the Coleman tent that I am wanting to purchase.. It sets up in one minute.. Ive watched the video at, several times.. and I think it would be best for us, rather than the one we have that should take a healthy person 5-10 minutes to set up,, or a couple healthy people,, Nana and I, last year, it took us 30-45 minutes to set up.. But it was only the second time we had set it up (the first being at home to familiarize ourselves with it).
I went to the Vietnam Veterans camp in Kokomo, IN last September, with Nana,, and 4-6 other friends,, It was a blustery day, and we set their tents up first.. they had one similar to mine, but still seemed to have trouble with it.. then I started setting mine up, they came to help, and it was done in a couple minutes.  Other than me getting sick, and then Nana showing up and her getting a little sick,, it was a great time with friends.. I was lucky I didnt have a heart attack and die out there, though,, that was only a few weeks before I had to have the heart surgery.. and could have been the reason I was so sick to begin with..

As I said, more things I want to pick up, besides things to keep stocked up on for eating/cooking. etc...  like a spyder to sit the lid of the Dutch Oven on when checking whats cooking,, the lid lifter, and also a tripod to set up over the campfire.. to hang the Dutch OVen over to cook stews, chilis, or whatever.. as I said, its a lot of overkill, with it just being Nana and I when we go camping, but perhaps there will be others that will go, now that we have started going.. Richard, my best friend,  was with us at Kokomo, and had the other tent similar to mine.. His ex-wife (#1) and he are living together again after all these years, and she loved camping with us in Kokomo, and she is like me, if you are going to buy something, buy the best.. and when their camp stove screwed up, she jumped in the truck and headed to Walmart to buy a new one like mine,, lol,,

I surely dont know why Im buying all this stuff for campfire cooking, when we have the RV, with stove, sink, refrigerator, etc.. and the places we camp (State Parks, or National Parks) will have a charcoal grille (really nice ones too) and a firering for the campfires.. Biggest problem with any of the parks, is they dont allow you to bring wood in, so you cant bring your own wood with you, because of some ash borer bug or something like that. But they do sell wood, and its cheap enough.. It sits out in the elements, and may be wet sometimes, but will burn eventually.  Wont be much longer till we will be getting out and about.
Also, most of the places we will be camping, will have electric to hook up to, whether you have an RV or not (we ran a cord through the tent, so we could watch dvd's on the computer,, LOL) and the first time, to use our coffee pot, but now we have the automatic drip coffee maker, that goes onto the camp stove, so there wont be any percolated coffee over the fire for us,, lmao..

Snow and Ice is melting off everything,, ground cant soak it up fast enough, so there will be a lot of standing water soon.. Suppose to be near or in the low 60's in a few days.. Now thats what Im talking about,, LOL.. Looks to be cold and frosty here this morning, in the mid 20's. but the snow has melted off the deck/patio, but the lake is still frozen over.. soon as it melts off, and starts greening up, I will post some pics on Facebook, like the ones I took when the Snow and Ice storm hit a couple weeks ago.. speaking of which, there is another snowstorm moving in, for next week,, they dont know what or how much we will get yet. but Old Man Winter isnt about to give up this early in February.. LOL

Sunday night, since we had the hotdog forks, and a fire in the fireplace, we burnt some dogs in the fire for supper, and last night, Sloppy Joe's,, then Nana and the kids (Amanda and Chris, my daughter and Son in law) had some marshmallows over the fire, and Amanda had Smores, since I had the stuff to fix them.. I passed.. lol,
Thinking tonight/today, I may fix some Jambalaya, and also since Nana doesnt care much for it, will fix her and the others Smoked Sausage, green beans and onions, and taters,, all in a one pot meal.. Quick, easy, filling, and I dont have to sit and watch over it all day..

Well, guess thats enough, for today, and makeup for yesterday.. guess Id better head on to the farm, get my crops harvested, then start breeding some Black Cherry foals, the newest horse/foal in the market.. Ive already passed over 100 of them out, but there will be 200 more requesting them as the day progresses.. lol.. alot of work, due to having to save them, then passing the link out individually, because there are 5 foals to a link, but if I post it to the feed, only 2 or 3 get taken by my friends, the others by cheaters, and hoarders.. wish there was a way I could know who gets them, Id delete their asses so fast their heads would spin.. LOL

Yall have a great Tuesday, and a fantastic week.. Stay out of trouble,

Happy Farming


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday, February 13th, 2011

Afternoon, everyone,

Well, the tide turned for the worst yesterday, and as the day progressed, I felt worse and worse, and by bedtime, I felt pretty shitty.. Not sure what the hell is going on, but wish it would either get better or kill me,, Im sick of being sick!!!

I do feel somewhat better this morning, but its the same as I felt yesterday morning, and steadily got worse all day.. So, we never made it to Gander Mountain, but discussed going today.. It will just depend on when we get to moving, and get the gumption to go on out there.. Its out at the Southeast part of the county, so takes a bit to get there.

Dont like the idea of fruit/yogurt and granola again this morning, but its what I have thats easy to fix, without making Nana get up and fix me a big breakfast.. lol,, yeah yeah, I know, I could fix it myself, I did buy some Banana nut Muffin mix, and wanted those for breakfast this morning,, but last night felt too bad to make them.. I did make my "Good Dessert" (thats what its called) the other night,, Nana and I had a good sized chunk of it yesterday for breakfast.. not sure if any of the others have gotten into it yet or not..

Well, Nana is up moving,, doing laundry.. Okay,, I took a 5 minute break from here, and made the muffins,, will shove them into the oven in  few minutes,, but theyre in the pans and ready to go.. 16-21 minutes.. then Yum Yum time.. lol

The temp was above 32 for most of yesterday, and appears to have made a significant dent into melting the ice/snow here,, still a ways to go, yet, though.. Will sure be an improvement on my attitude, to see it all gone and water on the lake.. Im anxious to take the boat out just to take it out, not so much to fish.. Though I have fished this time of year.. as soon as there was ice-out.. (melted off the lake) but as cold as its been, in January and December, and even the first two weeks of February,, I would imagine that ice is 12-15 inches thick.. I know I wouldnt want to cut a whole in it to ice-fish.. though I did a lot of that in my younger days..
I did Ice fish in Wisconsin, a few short years ago,, 5-8 yrs.. cant remember when I went,, lol,, but it was the end of January, and a Navy buddy of mine, invited me up for a few days of fishing.. we caught our limit both times we did make it out to fish (he had a cabin, to pull out onto the lake and leave all winter),, Now you talk about a setup,, that was cool, ice fishing in short sleeved shirts.. LOL,, They werent plentiful in bites, but very plentiful in BS stories of our Navy days, plentiful in beer, and as I said, we caught our limits of yellow perch (10 each)  My friend has since passed on, a couple yrs ago, of Prostate cancer.. sure didnt take long (it seemed) but to the family, Im certain it seemed like forever dealing with it..

Marisa has came home from Ball State University, to visit this weekend. moreso, with her boyfriend and friends than with all of us. (her parents and grandparents) as she has been gone nearly all the time.. but today, she will spend with her parents here, and then head to dinner, then back to BSU. tonight..
Last night, we got the skewers out, and had hotdogs on the fire,, huge 1/4 lb hotdogs,, had trouble with the skewers, as when I would turn the skewer, the hotdog turned too, so blackening the same side,, lol,, but they did turn out tasty over the fireplace fire.. I was going to eat 2 and usually more eaten by me, but for some reason, last night I could only eat the one.. because of feeling poorly.. Im still losing weight.. some for trying, some of it Im not trying.. just not trying to take it off quickly, but its coming off at any rate, and Im below 240 now.. havent seen this weight, since the early 90's.. when I got down to 194, the same weight as when I got out of the US Navy. Spent 1000 dollars on all new clothes,, then within 3-4 yrs, (actually, probably 1 yr) I couldnt wear any of them,, I told Nana to get a pair of my bluejeans out, to see if I can fit into them again.. lol

Well, I have a couple other things to do now,, and also getting close to time to pull the muffins out of the oven,,
So yall have a wonderful day, enjoy your Sunday..


Saturday, February 12, 2011

SATURDAY, February 12th, 2011

Afternoon, everyone..

Getting a late start here on the blog.. Not that I havent been up (since 11am) just had things to do, harvest crops, grow some seedlings, pass out some trees, answer PMs, Spend time with Nana discussing expenses/checkbook,,, etc..

But things have settled down somewhat, now, and I will see what I can come up with for today..

First off, got a little tipsy last night. Drinking those dang Hurricanes,, LOL,,, Rum Rum Rum and a splash of grenadine, with passion fruit juice.. 4 of them and I get quite tipsy.. lol funny, but tipsy.. lol,, love the rum,, must have been a Pirate in another life.. lmao

Bred a few horses last night, and got 45 foals to pass out,, and during that, found that someone was taking the link(s) and sending to another friend or another farm they had,, many I sent out, the person came back and said it was already adopted.. but I kept careful track and numbering them, so that shouldnt have happened (couldnt have happened)  even tipsy, I am in full control of my faculties (cept walking, lol) Heaven help the SOB's when I catch up to them,, I will post their name(s) in the feed, so anyone else can de-friend them too, and their extra farms.. I dont put up with that shit..

I am thinking of starting another account/farm.. (I know, it sounds hypocritical) But it would only be, so I can only have certain friends and neighbors,, not 1400 that dont contribute to the feed or others farms.. not sure why all of them wanted to be my friend/neighbor, when they dont do anything, such as posting, helping others (I could care less if they came to shit on my farm).

Suppose to start warming up today,, will be grilling time soon.. I can hardly wait.. lol,, First thing, will be a Brisket, smoked in the smoker to perfection.. My New grille, has a gas grill, charcoal grille, and a smoker for slow-cooking.. bought it right before the heart surgery, maybe the week before,,, and havent even been able to use it yet,, lmao.. but the time is nearing,, and it will be a race, for the brisket or a huge juicy steak on the grille.. lol

Nana is up, moving around this morning early,, cleaning house now,, dusting, etc.. I need to clean out the fireplace.. maybe later, when it starts cooling down, I will fire it up, and we will have these huge hotdogs I bought, cooked over the fire like camping.. LOL  also bought marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers for Smores, Not that Im big on them, but these others may be.. they cant resist the chocolate more than anything.. LOL

I couldnt stay pissed at Nana long, about the cards/drawing night.. I talk a big story, but dont want it to get out of hand, when things are going so good.. I can be a mean old bastard when I want to be, and if I put my foot down about something, Nana will always listen.. But I do try to be fair about some things.. I may get pissed, but I let her know how I feel, then its up to her to take care of her end of the situation,,, obviously, I have no input on the stuff like cards/drawing night.. least I feel like what I think doesnt matter about it.. She is going to do it, whether my foot comes down or not, so I may as well get over it..
My biggest problem, about it, is her dyke girlfriend.. She mouthed off to me a few years ago about something,, and I told her it was none of her F'ing business.. then another thing came up, and I lost all respect for her.. Everyone down at the club think her and Nana look like lesbians.. lol,, I think her husband may swing both ways (no, im not interested,, lmao)  so maybe that is why theyre together,, who knows,, doesnt mean I have to associate with them,, I am cordial to them, and speak to them, and talk when spoken to, but I will never go out of my way to strike up a conversation with either one of them..

Thinking I may talk Nana into going out to Gander Mountain today, to see what is going on out there, see if theyre getting their camping stuff out.. can hardly wait to get out again,, AND pick up the RV and start working on it, to get it ready to start going on the road again, to State Parks, or a nearby National Park.. at least for weekend trips, those are always nice.. We started going nearly every weekend, last year, at least one day, going to a nearby State Park.. we own them (you too, lol) so why not go and explore our domains.. its cheap enough at 5-6 dollars entry.. but this year, the first time, we will buy a year pass, then not have to pay for any State Park entry fee.. 5 visits, and it will pay for itself.. and we will be using it, at minimum that many times..

Well, folks, I think thats about it for today,, Gander mountain, here we come, LOL

Have a great weekend everyone


Friday, February 11, 2011

TGI FRIDAY, February 11, 2011

Good Afternoon, everyone,

Well, I slept in this morning, til 11:30am, and had to go to and get my crops harvested, before they withered up on me. LOL. Im growing Jalapeños til theyre mastered, and theyre an 8 hr crop. So it was getting close, to withering time. LOL  Strange how this virtual farming takes over our existence, but I am thoroughly hooked. It is a little more manageable, now, that I have most things where I want them, and not in a hurry to get other things. I get so many gifts from my wonderful friends and neighbors, I cant possibly put all of them on the farm. I currently have in my giftbox,: 400 Special Delivery boxes (which give anything I need, for building materials and water, and some useless things like trees, bikes, butterflies, etc) 100 watering cans,  a rainbow egg I cant open til I get my giftbox below 500, all the building materials to build the first stage of the next building, plus numerous Farmhands, Arborists, fertilizers, etc.. Ugh. lol

Its nearly 1:30pm now. So Ive been up a couple hrs, have the breeding of the foals finished, with 120 foals to give out individually throughout the afternoon. gets hectic after a while, when they request something, then leave, or dont respond they "got it" in the posts they request in, then come back hours later, and they didnt get it (it expired, but says someone already adopted the foal) and then bitch like its MY FAULT!!!  I really need to start weeding out some of the 1400 people in friends listings. Im not sure why they friended me, cept to receive foals or other animals. At first, it was because of what I said all the time, that makes folks laugh/smile, etc,, One would tell another friend "you have to see what this guy posts all the time", lol,,, but nowadays, its all about the animals. Seems I have less time these days to think of silly things.  I look in the feed all the time, and see many of them clicking "like" or posting ty, when they grab something from our friends.. which helps me to see, that they are HOARDERS, so I hope they keep clicking like and posting ty. lol,, I see them taking from the feed, then come to me requesting foals, and lying to me and saying they dont have any. I dont mind giving an extra, once most people have one of what I am offering. but day after day, and hundreds of foals per week being passed out. They most certainly have one by then.. especially when all the foals get posted, from people that do not understand how to post the links to friends or save the foal back, like I do..

Well, it is Friday, the 11th of February, and its going to start warming up, with temps in the 50's by the middle of next week. Usually, around here (most years) it has gotten 70 or close to it, between the 15th-20th of February. Many of those years, I have taken the boat out, for a shake-down cruise, and test the waters to see if the fish are biting near the shorelines.. As the water starts to warm (near shorelines, usually the Northwest edges first) the baitfish move in, then, the bigger fishes move in to get the baitfish to eat. Still sluggish from the cold water, they dont put up a huge fight, but they do tend to bite better, since they havent eaten a lot because of the colder water, everything tends to slow down: movement, eating, etc.. Then as the water temp comes up, into the 50's-60's, they move in the shallows to look for spawning spots, (males) then the females move in when the temp gets to near 70, and lay their eggs.. then they leave the males to guard the nests (crappies) and the males stay until all the eggs in the nest have hatched.. There is your lesson on fishing, and from the knowledge of years of reading, and fishing shows, and of course, hands-on experience in fishing.. LOL

I had a restless night sleeping. Having a pain, that reminds me of the fluid in my lungs.. sure hope it isnt that.. but will have to wait til it gets bad enough to go to hospital.. ONLY thing I can do for now, is to take my water pills and hope it comes off.
Nana slept through the night that I could tell.. but of course she would. Tonight is her night, for the VFW drawing, playing cards afterwards, etc.. then pick up the grandkids (Shawn's) from skating at 1130pm, and then taking them home, and staying there with them, til Shawn and April get off work. I told her this morning, to ask Shawn today, to find someone else to pick them up tonight, because Nana is tired, and has been hurting all week, and she needs to come on home and rest the whole weekend, without worrying about the other stuff.. But, of course, she wont do that. and Im going to be pissed off about it,, because she has came home everynight, hurting, a couple times going on to bed, because of her hurting, yet she will go to the drawing at the VFW, then sit and play cards, regardless how bad she is hurting... I want her to just come on home, after work, or at minimum, after the drawing to leave.. but heaven forbid, she listen to me without getting pissed,, so one of us has to be pissed,, guess it will be me.. and I will show it the whole weekend.. LOL

Chicken soup was good, the second night, and still some left, but I am over it.. usually 2 nights, then Im finished with the soups and stews.. and will have to figure out something else for the weekend.. My Granddaughter, Marisa, will be coming home from Ball State University, tonight, and staying the weekend. She is such a busy, young lady.. tonight, she has something to do with friends that have a band, and she is so excited about it, because they got her a shirt that says "Manager" on it,, LOL.. Then, of course, over the weekend, she has friends she hasnt seen since she went to college, to spend time with. But Im sure she will be around some, and maybe get to help cook something with me. One of our favorite pastimes, or at least mine, is preparing something, whether its a dessert, Papaw's "Goes on Anything Spice", or some sort of meal for all of us.

Guess Id better get back to Facebook, and see what is going on, and start passing out those foals.. UGH.. this is going to take a while.. LOL
Yall have a good TGI FRIDAY, and a WONDERFUL WEEKEND..


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thursday, February 10th, 2011

Good Morning, Everyone.

Well, we awoke on this side of the dirt this morning. I suppose that is a good thing.. Havent assessed how I am feeling yet, since my eyes are quite open and head cleared. Another restless night for Nana, and when Nana doesnt sleep, no one sleeps.
  Rocky woke me this morning, with his whining.. not sure if it was to go outside to pee, or if he was just wanting Nana.. He is such a baby and whines incessantly, until he can get onto her lap. Since Nana had so much trouble sleeping, Ive let her stay in bed, and Ive made the coffee, and have a nice, hot cup of Joe sitting here.
   Oh, yeah,, its Thursday, so it is Nana's day off. She does Sculptured Nails, and has for 30+ years.. We own a barber shoppe, in Speedway, Indiana, "Leo's Barber and Beauty". Business is down right now, due to the town of Speedway, doing a renovation of Main Street, and the intersection in front of the Indianapolis 500 track, at Georgetown and 16th st/Crawfordsville Rd. Guess it is suppose to be completed in April, at least open Main street for traffic again.  Currently, it looks like a war zone, except for the buildings. and work has almost stopped, since they cant lay asphalt when its this cold (2 degrees this morning with a high of 17 for today) But it should start progressing rapidly soon, as the temperature is going to be rising over the next few days, with it in the 40's all next week, heading near 50 degrees.
  Not a lot to write about today, (I say that now, but wont stop lol) Nana has ordered her new glasses, and is to pick them up today. I have a script for mine, but am shopping for those lenses that change with the sunlight.. I forget what theyre called..Im not sure what progressive lens are either,, I think its how the lens blend into being bifocals, either lined or unlined.  Thats above my paygrade, and I could care less. I have a pair of glasses, and my eyes havent changed much since the last eye exam 2-3 yrs ago. I only use them to read, and even then, if there is enough lighting, I dont need them then unless its very small print.  I seldom wear them here at the desktop, but always wear them with the laptop. Have the day sun shining back here in my computer room..
  Im hoping to get out today. Maybe go with Nana to pick up her glasses.. and of course, I will want to stop and see my buddies at the bar for a little while, and Nana will say drop her off at home first, then I will say the hell with it, and wind up not going.. I dont think I will drink any beer anyways, just Iced tea. Not quite ready for beer, and the last two times I did, since the heart surgery, I wound up back into the hospital in a day or two.. Not that I blame the beer, Im just a little gunshy about going out drinking.. LOL
  Probably will wind up at Walmart today, too. We do need a couple things (winds up always being more than a couple) and I usually wind up spending 150+ when we go there. The main thing, will be getting Nana moving this morning. She will be up soon, to watch her "Matlock" which shows daily in the mornings here..
  The chicken soup turned out good, as usual, and its a good thing, since we are having it again tonight.. LOL.. My daughter (almost 40) and her hubby (51) are living with us, since last August/September.  I figure if I can feed 4 adults for around or under 4 bucks a piece, Im doing great.. It sometimes winds up being a little more, but not much. Unless its Pizza or Takeout, then it climbs above that mark most of the time.  We went to buy stuff for Taco Salad last week, and wound up spending 100 dollars,, Somehow, it always winds up with some of this and some of that, a movie or two, oh, and dont forget we need this for later, too. lol.
  The Boat, Sport, and Travel show at the Fairgrounds will be coming up soon. I used to go every year, for the fishing stuff, but Nana wants to go this year, and we will look at all the options for camping/Rv'ing.  See what else they have in Tents (hopefully I can pick up the Coleman tent I mentioned yesterday cheaper) I really like that tent, and I WILL be purchasing it.  ($140-160)  Just want to find the best price on it. We may go to Dick's SportingGoods today, or Gander Mountain (I love that place as much as Wally world, lol) Actually, by taking Nana there last year, they had a tent set up inside, and Nana was telling me to buy it now.. we hadnt even talked seriously about going camping yet. Well, I didnt buy it (100 dollars on sale) but found a comparable one at wally world, for 78 dollars, `10x16, and then when we bought all the accouterments, we had nearly 900 dollars spent on camping.. LOL,, We even bought an automatic drip coffee maker, and we had one gas stove, but had to buy another, that had the individual burner (2) to place the coffee maker over.. The other gas grill, was a long burner, like traditional gas grills, and it wouldnt work/may damage the coffee maker.  Of course, Campgrounds these days, have a charcoal grille, too that is excellent. Ive thought of buying one, and putting out in the back yard.. Theyre actually a good investment, for charcoal cooking, and they go into the ground, so theyre not moveable, and will last for years.. I think if you do a search on them, its under Campground Charcoal grilles, or Park Grills, something like that.. has them listed, as well as and Bass Pro shops.. I have the Dutch Ovens, but want to get a couple different ones.. The one we have, the top doesnt have the lip on it, for putting charcoal on top, nor the legs to prop it up off the coals. Though they do make spyders, for that, or use the spyder to set the lids on while stirring the pot. Either way, I can see more money being spent preparing for this years camping experiences. Nana is as anxious as I am to get out on the road.. Perhaps this will be the year, I can talk her into retiring.
  Nana's shoulders are really bothering her bad. Arthritis, possibly a tear in the rotator cuff, and shoulder replacement is her option. Not sure when or if she will be doing that. She also needs her right Knee replaced. Her left knee was replaced in January of '09, and it broke loose, so had to replace it again, and go deeper into her shin bone, and it started breaking loose again, but seems to have settled now. The dr thinks it is because of her other knee, and wants to replace it. But with everything that has gone on with me the last few months, I think she is putting it off to make sure Im going to be okay this time. I want her to get it done, while its cold weather, and we can take off when its warmer, and she has already healed up... She is 63.5 yrs old (4.5 yrs older than me), and I think she should retire, but she wont, until she can be sure her son, Shawn, is able to keep the doors open on the barbershop.. We have one other gal working for us, Cindy, and Shawn makes a good living, I suppose.. not a construction job, but he does work everyday and cuts lots of hair, though, as I said, business is down for the renovation on Main Street.  But right now, he and Cindy pay commissions, and what Nana makes (most of) goes back into the shop to pay bills. Not sure how Shawn and his new family, will react, when more of his money goes into the shop.. His wife, April, has a pretty good job, makes decent money, and even has insurance..
  I think they can make it, if the economy doesnt take a nosedive again, and the renovation is completed, that should bring more walk-in traffic (we hope).  My biggest worry with them, is their home.. Its nice, its newer, in good neighborhood, etc.. but they have an adjustable mortgage. This country can not survive much longer, without raising interest rates drastically to cover our burgeoning debt. Ive told Shawn, when it starts going up, its going to get so he will lose his home, or go broke trying to make the payments.. That is what is wrong with the housing industry now, IMO.. People re-financing their homes, taking all the equity out of them (thanks Barney Frank) and then the prices dropped, and they owe more than its worth. Then couple that with the adjustable mortgages that a lot of people took, thinking the rates would never increase THAT much, but ITS COMING.. We will begin to look like a third world country when it does, with hyper-inflation, and food prices rising, you will have to get paid everyday, just to go to the store to buy milk and bread, because tomorrow, you wont be able to buy it for the same price you did today, and your money will be worth less,,, lots less.. (I removed a link, as it was too long, and I cant remember if it was the movie I was searching for)
Enough of that stuff,, scary enough in this world as it is.

Have a great day, everyone, and dont let my rants scare the hell out of you, (though you should think about some of them)


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wednesday, February 9th, 2011

Good Afternoon, Everyone.
Well, its a few minutes after 1200pm, and Im just now getting started,, didnt wake up until 1130am. and feel like crawling back into bed just to stay warm, and sleep.

Ive got a pot of chicken soup going. Well, the chicken is in the pot of water cooking, will cut it up in a bit, and get started on the rest.  Everyone here seems to enjoy it, and it lasts a couple days. Probably one of the cheapest dishes I can make and I get more meals out of it.  If I can feed us for under 5 dollars a head, per meal, Im doing pretty good..

The Iceberg/glacier that occurred from the leaky waterhose (yes it didnt get disconnected last fall) last month is gone, but lingering effects (the dreaded waterbill) arrived yesterday, and it doubled from the month before.. an unforeseen expense.. nothing I can do but pay it and go on.

Havent heard from Lowes yet, on getting the floor replaced here in the computer/den room, kitchen and hallway. About 8 dollars a square foot, total cost, includes vapor barrier, flooring, tear out (of the old flooring) and haul-off,  new baseboards, and everything else that goes along with it.. I think when I did the first floor, I didnt have 1000 dollars in it, did it myself. But with health problems, I cant do it this time.. and besides, insurance is paying for it, (about 10 dollars per square foot) and I also get the foyer done. Still going to be a mess, no matter who does it.. Hopefully, I can keep a 10x10 or 12x12 area of it, for use perhaps on the garage floor, if I ever get it cleaned out.

The vehicle damage, from that nice person in the parking lot last Christmas (unknown parking lot, could have been Walmart, Krogers, Hospital, etc) that was so full of Christmas cheer, all they could do was hit my SUV and skedaddle.  To the tune of 1000 dollars (again, TG for insurance) Not sure when we will take it in.. Kinda holding off, with the weather the way it is, and see if Nana doesnt get rear-ended before spring,, LOL,, of course, thats all we would need at this time. She hurts bad enough these days, and I think the colder it gets, the worse she hurts. And we sure as heck dont need a whip-lash to add to her problems.

Anxiously awaiting warmer weather. And it isnt far off.. Suppose to be near 50 this weekend.. at least its above freezing.. But I want to get the RV from Nana's brother, Gary, and start working on it to get ready to start camping ASAP.  Dont think the bed is going to be that comfortable in the RV, but we plan (at this tiime) to go ahead and set up the tent too, that will give us more room. The new tent we bought last year, may still be too much for us, though taking our time with it, still only took 1/2 hr or so.. but then, I had unknown heart issues (blockage) when we went last summer.. Anyway, Ive been looking at for a new tent, that sets up in less than a minute.. even if it took us 5 minutes, I think its going to be better than this other tent. About the same amount of room, just faster setup, and we have an additional tent, if someone else wants to come along (grandkids).  But still, there is work to be done on the RV before we start anything,, a few hundred dollars, and we should be set.. of course, then we probably wont be able to afford the gasoline to go anywhere, LOL... 4-5 dollars a gallon has been mentioned for this year. so that will be approx 150 per fillup. But if I can get 3-400 miles per tank, a round trip to Florida would be about 800 in fuel costs, then we already have our room with us, then food and campground expenses, etc,, I figure its still going to cost us less than just taking the car, and renting a place. Besides, its all about the get-a-way, and Beaches dont cost anything (nor looking at the girls in skimpy bikinis, LOL.)

Guess Id better go check the chicken, and see what else Im going to need for the soup. Usually have plenty on hand to whip something up to make it good..

Oh yeah, another thing I will cover in this blog, is my weightloss. As a few of you know, Ive had heart surgery, and a few other problems since, and have lost alot of weight. I was somewhere around 270-280 at the time of the surgery.. and this morning, when I got onto the scales, I was 238. Now if you want to start one year ago, when I went to the cardiologist, I was about 310.. so that is 72 lbs in a year, with about 40 of that in the last 3 months.. Now if I can just take the scissors, and snip off that unsightly sag that is hanging down,, LOL.

well, Folks, Im off to Farmville, to check my crops and perhaps breed a few foals. (more on Farmville at a later date) Have a great day, and make the best of it.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

And So It Starts

  Well, Folks, we are going to start this up, and see how it goes. I am mainly starting this blog, to post my thoughts, perhaps share some experiences as we go along, maybe a few recipes, and if possible, pics of places we go on our camping/RV'ing trips.

  The title of this blog "Farming With Papaw," is something I came up with, because of Farmville, a fun game from, accessible through Facebook, or Its a free game, though if you want some of the exotic or nice stuff, you have to invest a few bucks here and there.. I am a big-time breeder of horses on my virtual farm, passing out 100+ foals most days to my friends and neighbors in Farmville. Really, a fun game, when its working right.

  My wife, Jayne (from here on referred to as Nana) and I started camping, late in the Summer of 2010, and loved it, thought tent camping may have been short-lived, as we have bought an older RV. A Class "B" type, which, is more or less a large custom van, which has a bed, heater/AC, LP Gas, Shower, toilet, stove, sink, refrigerator, and lots of storage space. It needs some work done on it inside and out, like tires, and minor fiberglass damage, perhaps repaint (not a biggie) and some interior replacement of carpeting, and color scheme. For 2500 dollars, and 80,000 miles, I dont think we can get hurt too bad on it. Hopefully it will last til we can trade up to something bigger/better.
I think perhaps this is enough for the first posting. Its not real comfortable here on the couch typing with a couple fingers, when I can use the desktop and type lots faster,,lol.. But anyway, we have it set up, And now we have a place, at least for now, til, something better comes along.
Hope everyone that happens to read this, has a great evening, and tomorrow brings a brighter, warmer day.
